Our society prides itself on being one of the most comprehensive student bodies, with events ranging from the academic side all the way to the social side.

If you’re looking for a banger time and people to do so with, consider:
Coming along to enjoy the Australian outdoors and compete for prizes at our 3-day annual camp
Dressing to impress at our annual ball to either meet the love of your life or be a public (but tolerable) nuisance
Having some cheeky drinks at Scrub Crawl – a pub crawl but while you’re wearing scrubs – with UQNAMSA, UQOTS, UQ Pharm. and UQ Physio.

But if you’re more interested in professional development, attaining a high GPA or advice on how to get into medicine, consider:
Attending our networking night where you will have the opportunity to connect with and hear the experiences of medical students, registrars and specialists
Participating in our GAMSAT workshops to learn from students who have excelled in the test
Coming to our study sessions to learn the tips and tricks to smash your courses
Our publications
Crafted by cumulative years of past experience, have a look and don't make the mistakes past students did